The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

A A A A W. RAILROAD CARDS. "BEE LINE." Cloveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis R'y. AND AFTER MONDAY, Parsenger JUNK Trains 3, 1872, and until further arrive notice, will leave Cleveland and at points named bulow, ad No. No.

1. 3. No. 6. CLEVELAND.

6:15 a in 2:50 7:20 Crestline 9:45 a 6:25 10:20 12:19 1:20 a In 2:30 3:15 a In 4,.00 7:30 a Terre 110:45 mi 110:58 a 1'09 a 1:21 Pana 2:55 a 3:20 Springield 3:15 6:30 8 6: 4:10 15 St. 7:15 a 7:35 Kansas 9.17 1) 8:45 6:45 a 7:20 10 6:00 7:30 a in 10:45 10 12:25 6:15 a a 9:40 2:40 12:50 7:20 a Columbus. 5:10 6:30 a 5:00 PALACE DAY AND SLEEPING CARS Hicoping care on all night trains. ALL TRAINS Icavo Cleveland dally, except Sandays, and run through to Cincinnati, Indiunapolis and Louisville. PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrive at Cleveland at 3:55 P.

10:10 P. 7:30 A. 9:20 A. 3 M. For THROUGH TICKETS and particular information.

apply at the Union Ticket Office, 134 Bank or at Ticket Odico, Union Passenger Depot, Cleveland. E. S. FLINT, Gen'l Sup L. H.

F. PIERSON, General Ticket Agent, Agent. eveland. C. COBB, Gou'l Pass.

0. A Erio Railway. AND IMPROVED DRAWING: Room and Sleeping Coaches, combining all modern are run through on between Budalo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland and Cincinnati and New Yora. making direct connection with all lines of Foreign and Coastwise steamere; and also with Sound Steamers and Railway Liues for Boston and New England cities. of Time Table adopted June 3d, STATIONS.

No. 2. No. 12. No.

4.1 No. 8. Leave Cleveland Via L.8. M. S.

Ry 10:15 7:15 a 11:05 1 4:05 pm Via A. G. W. Ry. 7:20 A 3:45 pm Dunkirk 1:10 111 10:00 10 8 ID 3:410 12:00 am 9:008 2:30 6:20 11:25 Arrive Niagara Falla 7:05 A ml 4:35 8:00 12:43 8 a 5:45 10:00 2:00 8 12:42 12:10 10 04 a In Waverly.

1:200 14 $:40 10 12.50 5:19 a Philadelphia 10:30 8.10 in 9:20 2:10 a a I 7.06 6.23 a a 10:03 Albany 8.40 a 113 1.40 3:13 10:50 mi 7.55 a 7:18 8:50 a 11 1.32 8:35 11:40 AL m1 pm 5:50 a a 2.33 7:00 a 5.15 1u Jersey, York. City 9:30 9:15 pm 103 7.00 6:83 a a 11 11 10.43 OU a 3.23 3.: 10 :.05 113 11.20 a la Honday Truing leave Cleveland at 7:25 24 fu. by A. G. 7:45 a.

Iu. by L. 9. M. S.

Ry. Arrive New York at 7:00 a.m. via Erie Railway. Through Tickots aud to Drawing Room and Siceping Coaches can be obtained lowest rates at the Company's Otlice, corner of Bank and Superior streets. Tickets can also be procured at the Union Ticket and at the Depots of the A.

G. W. and L. S. M.

S. Railways. L. D. RUCKER, JNO.

N. ABBOTT, Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Pass Ag't named in the Time Table below, followe: TRAINS TO BUFFALO AND EAST. Day Special Leave. Express.

Express. Expree. IN. Y. Ex.

Clevoland. 7:45 a 11:05 A 4:05 pm 10:15 pm Arrive 8:37 8 12:01 a 5:01 11:35 pm 9:21 a 12:50 pm 5:50 pm 19:17 10:11 a 1:10 6:10 pm 12:59 a 10:102 2:10 7:10 1:23 8 11:15 a 3:33 pm 8:31 Dunkirk 13:20 pm 4:05 pm 9:05 pm 2:50 a Budalo. 1:35 pm 5:30 pm 4:00 8. New 7:00 a 11:00 a ml 2:90 pm 0:30 pm Boston. 1:00 a ml 2:30 ml 5:00 pm ACCOMMODATION.

STOPE AT ALL STATIONS. Leaves Cleveland 4:30 Arrives Ashtab'la 7: 10 Leaves Aehtab'la 6:15 3 Arrives Cleveland 8:13 a in Connecta at Girard with Erie Pittsburgh I. R. tor Jamcetown, Franklin and the OIL REGIONS. At Eric with Philadelphia F.

R. I. for Corry, Titusville, Warren, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, At Dunkirk and Budalo with Erie and N. VenRailroads. TRAINS TO CHICAGO AND WEST.

Mail Line Express, Special press. estern Accom. Pacific ton Sonthern Chicago ion Accom. A Lake Shore and Michigan Sonthern Railway. ON 2d, AND 1971, and AFTER until further SUNDAY, notice, passenger JUNE traing will leave Cleveland and arrive at pointa Leave A.

M. M. P. M. P.

y. P. 5:35 6:50 2:25 4:30 7.25 8:00 Arrive nt 6:10 7:15 3:10 5:45 8:26 0:05 Huron 6:50 Sandusky. 7: 15 9:10 Port Cluton 9: 21 8:13 10:15, Oberlin. 7:00 4:00 9:35 Norwalk 7:50 4:51 10:20 Mourneville.

8:05 5:08 10:34 9:14 5:45 11:15 Fremout 9:10 6:05 11:35 A. M. P. P.M. 10:36 10:40 7:40 11:35 P.

P. M. 10:00 2:201 2:20 11:20 P. M. 2:15 2:15 11:15 A.M.

9:40 9,35 A. M. 0:56 tHE 15 Or. Rapids 9:35 11:00 P. M.

A. M. M. Chicago 9:40 7:30 6:50 7:70 F. G.

HORSE, Gen'l Weat'n Chicago. days excepted), as followe: STATIONA, Mall. Fast Line. Accomo'n Leave 8:45 A. M.

12:15 P. M. 3:53 P.M. Arrive at 9:58 1:21 5:02 Ravenna. 10:30 1:55 5:32 Alliance 11:20 2:34 6:17 1:42 P.M.

5:18 10:20 3 Canton 12.42 6:56 Massillon, via 1:09 6 7:11 7:14 2.25 8:13 8:13 Massillon, 7:45 Arrive at Akron. 10:45 P.M. 5:47 4:00 6:40 1:00 A.M. 5:58 5:58 Harrisburg. 2:40 A.

K. 3:20 A. 9:40 3 New York, via Philadelphia 10:1) 10:19 44 4:20 P. M. New York, via 6:50 44 6:50 1:30 7:00 7:00 1:15 10:00 6 10:00 3:40 Boston P.

M. 11:20 r. 6:00 A.M. Cars run through from Clevolaud to New York (via Pittsburgh) with but one change, viz: at Pittsburgh. Through Tickets can be procured at the Union Ticket Office, 134 Bank streot, at the Union Passcuger Station and at Euclid avenue Station.

Sleeping car accommodations from Pittsburgh Enet can also be secured at the latter office. CHARLES PAINE, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland. LATE Cieroland Pittsburgh R. R. AND AFTER MONDAY.

JUNE 3d, 1872, Trains leave Cleveland daily, (Sun- dobler Couuty to to Andrew change C. his name Hogend. from Andrew C. logen- AND COTTONall sizes. The trade sopplied.


M. Accommodation Train cars run through without change from Cleveland to Cuyahoga Falls, Akron aud Millersburgh. CONNECTIONS. At Allianco with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all points East and West. At Pittsburgh with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Alleghany Valley Railroad and Pittsburgh Connelleville Railroads.

At Wheeling and Bellaire with the Baltimore Ohio and Hemptield Railroads. TRAINS ARRIVE AT CLEVELAND-Pitteburgh Morning Express and Accommodation, 10:15 A. Now York, Washington and Whecling Mail, 2:10 P. New York and Washington Erpresa, 8:00 M. JOIN THOMAS, Sup't.

1872 Summer Arrangement. 1872 (Adopted June 3d, 1872.) Atlantic Great Western R. R. The only direct Broad Gauge, Double Track Route to NEW YORK, BOSTON, And all pointe in Now York, Fenneyivania and the East. UNTIL leave, (from FURTHER Depot of NOTICE, Atlantic and TRAINS Great Western Railway) as followE: At M.

(daily,) Sleeping Conch at 7:251 tached through to New York without change stopping at Leavittsburg -(arrive Youngstown 10:10 a.m. Sharor. 11:10,) Meadville 11:12 a. (Dinner,) Corry lornelsville 5:55 p. (Supper), Elmira 8:06 p.m.; Biughampton 10:1 1p.

arriving at New York 7:00 a.m. 3:45 P.M. YORK excepted.) EXPRESS- Sleeping Conch from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meadville at 8.05 p. 8:10 a.

m. (breakfast): Turners 1:35 p. m. (dinner), New York 3:80 p. pl.

5:15 P. M. COMMODATION. ACThis 19 the only route by which can reach Corry, Elmira, New York and intermediate points WITHOUT CHANGE, and with but one change to Boston and Now England cilice. This is the Guly route to the OIL REGIONS without change.

Baygage checked through to all points Rest. Through Tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at the Union Ticket 184 Bank street, and at the Depot of Atlantic Great Weatern R. R. I. F.

SWEETHER, WM. B. SHATTUC, Gen. Manager, Gen. Pass.

Agent. M. L. FOUTS, Agent, Oleveland. TO tice is WHOM hereby IT given MAY that the underaigned CONCERN-NO- will apply to the Court of Common Picas of ('uyaboga MASTER'S SALES.

MANS command of an order the -PURSUANT TO Connuon Pleas of Cuyuhoga Schmidt, Couuty plaintiff, and State Court of Ohio, in the case of C. W. and Philip and McGee delivered, ct I al. shall are expose defendant, for sale, to at 1110 punrected at the south door the County Court House, lic vendue, in said County, on the 6th in the city of 1872, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon Cleveland, day of July, following described premises: Sitol' said duy, the of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, uuted in the city also in the County Cuyahoga, and is and which is sub-lot No. eight hundred and forty -three known as Block II.

in the Budalo Company's pur1) iu said city, in that part of said city formerly chase in the City of Ohio, be the same more or but known subject as to all legal highways. Appraised at $2,000. G. W. LYNDE, Master Commizaloner.

NAVIDEON, 1n1 30t R. A. command order of of sale Cuyahoga issued County from and the CAL 'TO State Court of of Ohio, Common in the case of Carper Pleas plaintin, and Frederick Iehall expose Schardt to et sale at public ven defendant, to me directed, south door of the County Court House in due, city at of the Cleveland, in said County, ou the 29th the at the hour of eleven in the forenoon of of June, ania day, 1572, the following described premises: hoga Situated and in State the of Ohio, and known being rubCity of Cleveland, County of Cuzalot nal lota number No. 32, 33, 43 and 49, in Cleveland City, for51 in James Hoyt's alotment of origiBrooklyn Township, and as 2, the page same 49, of is merly shown by map rocord, vol. maps and subdivisions, be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.

Appraised at $1,400. G. W. LYNDE, Master Commiesioner. the and Court State of of Ohio, in the care of Jacob Mueller and Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county tine, Gustavo and John Schmidt, et defendanta, I shall firm of Mueller Schmidt, pluinoiler for sale at public vendue at the south door of the County Court Douse in the city of Cleveland, in said county, on the 10th day of July, 1872, cleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the following described premises Situate in the city of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and is known as subdivision south part of of jot No.

18 in Selden and Sargent's Lots 403 aud 401 of barber Lord's alotment in the city of Ohio, now city of Cleveland, and is hounded street uR follows: Beginning oll the cast line of Mill at its intersection with the westerly side of the Walworth run; thence northerly along euid east line of Mill street 60 feet to a stake; thence carterly at righ: angles with said Mill street about 125 feet to said Walworth run; thence up said run as it winds and turns to the place of beginning, be the same more or less, but rubject to all legal highways. Appraised at $1,500. G. W. LYNDE, R.

A. DAVIDFON, Att'y. my23 30t TO MAN the.command of an order of vale issued from of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and State of Onio, in a cause wherein L. N. Dike is plaintitl, and Charles llockstadt, Margaretta lochetadt, Henry Beckman, et are defendauts, to me directed and delivered, I shall offer for sale at public aution, on Monday, the 8th day of July, A.

D. 1872, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. ofsaid day, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, in said county, the following described premires and parcels of land; to wit: 18T PARCEL-Situate in the township of Rockport, County Cuyahoga and State or Ohio, aud known us part of section No. 18.

Beginning at the southwest corner of the Safler farin, so-called; thence running north 4 chains and 50 links to the center of Rocky river; thence N. 9 chains and 57. links in the center of the river; thence south 1 chain and 63 links to a stake; thence uarth 3 chains and 13 liuks: thence south parallel with the west line 4 chains; thence west on section line to the place of beginning; eu to contain acres of land. 2D PARCEL -Also another piece of land in the townehip, couuty and State aforesaid, which is also in section 15, bounded as foliows; Beginning in the south line of eaid section in the center of the river road; thence running south west 22 rods and 10 feet, 10 8 chestuut tree; thence northerly along the brow of the hill to a stake sixteen rods north of the south line; thence easterly to the ceuter of the river road; thence southerly on said road to the place of beginning; supposed to contain one and one half acres of land. 3D PARCEL--Also one other piece of land situate in said township, county and State aforesaid, known as part of section No.

18, aud pounded a3 follows: Beginning at a chestnut tree 22 rods and 10 feet from the center of tue river road westerly on the south line of said Section No. 18: tuenre south west to laud deedod by (. Bronson and to Lewis laft; thence north on the line of said land sixteen rods to a stake; thence N. E. to a stake on the brow of the hill to the line of land deeded to Lewis Haft by F.

G. Bronson and wife: thence southerly along the brow of sold hill to the place of beginning, supposed to contain eight acres of land. 4TH another piece of land, situate in euid township, county and State aforesaid, known and described as follows! Commencing at a point in the center of the road in the north line of eection No. in the township of Rockport, bounded on the north by the section line running westerly to the (entre of the river; thence south 1.0 extend far enough along the river to contain twenty acres; thence casterly to the road parallel with the north line; thence northerly along the centre of the road to the place of beginuing. 5TH PARCEL--Also one other piece of land, situate in said township.

county and State aforcead, and described ay follows: Beginuing at the northwest corner of land deed ad by Lewis Haft to C. Il. Buckley, March 201, 1875, in the middle of the river; thence running along in the middle of the river in a westerly direction 40 rods; thence running north 5 thence running cast parallel with the river 40 rode; thence running south to the place of beginning ne and one half acres of land, be the same more or loss, but subject to all legal highways. said parcels of land will be sold in one bodythere being in all about acres. Appraised at $1,087.50.

CARLO3 N. STONE, A J. MARVIN, Master Commiesioner. Creveland. June Sth, 1872.

TE 30d Plaintid' Attorney. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENTS, June 19, 1572. HEREBY giveu that petitions asking that ordinances be passed providing for the sprinkling of the following streets have be. filed in this office, each certified to by the City Civil Engineer a9 auticient under the law, to wit: Petitions asking that Granger street be sprinkled hetween Prospect and Garden streets, and llauover street, between Franklin Circle and Washington street. Those petitions will be considered by the Board of Improvements at this oflice on Monday afternoon, the 21th inetant, at three o'clock.

Any objections property owners may deeire to make against the sprinkling of said portious of said streets will then be By order of the Board of Improvements. jue20-2w M. G. WATTERSON, Clerk. NOTICE following IS resolution was HEREBY adoptod by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, June 11th, 1872: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirde of all the monibers concurring), it is deemed neccesary 10, grade and improve Franklin street, from the cast side of Franklin Circle to Kentucky etreet, to conform to the cetablished grade of said street, in accordance with the plans and profiles on dle in the oftice of the City Civil Engineer." The time within which claims for damagos may be filed expires on the 12th day of July, 1872.

THEO. VOGES, City Clerk. Ju13-2w OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENTE, CLEVELAND, June 13, 1872. NO question cf Notice opening is a new reby street given between that Wood- the land and Scovill avenues, running from Parkman to Burnham streets, will be considered by the Board of Improvements in this olice, ou Monday next, the 17th at 3 o'clock p. m.

All persons who have an interest in the openiug of this street, are requested to be present at the meetiug of the Bcard on that occasion. By order of the Board. ju14 M. G. WATTERSON, Clerk.

OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENTS, CLEVELAND, U. June 11. 1872 NOTICE. petitions asking IS that ordinances be GIVEN passed providing for the sprinkling of the following streets have been filed in this ofice, each certitied to by the City Civil Engineer as buflicient under the law, towit: Petitions asking that West River street be epriukled between Detroit and Main etrecta: Frankline street, trom l'earl to and around Franklin Circle. These petitions will be considered by the Board of Improvements at this oflice, on Monday, the 17th inetant, at 3 o'clock n.

Any objections property owncre may desire 10 make against the sprinkling of said portions of said streets will then be beard. By order of the Board of Improvemente. jy13 M. G. WATTERSON.

Clerk. EXECUTOR'S SALE. auce of XECUTOR'S an order of the SALE-IN Probate Court of PURSU- Cuyaboga County, Ohio, I will offer forgale at public auction, on the day of June, 1872, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the south door of the County Court House in the city of Cleveland, the following described promises, to-wit: Situate in the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, being a part of original city lot number 17, commencing at a point on the east line of Wood street, two hundred feet north of Lake etreet; thence north on Wood street fifty (50) feet; thence casterly at right angles with Wood street, about feet; thence southerly fifty fect: thenco westerly at right angles to Wood street about feet, to the place of beginning, together with the dwelling house ther.on standing. Appraised at $5,000. Terms, one-third cash, one-third in nine months and one-third in cighteen months.

Payments to be accured by mortgage on premise LEWiS DIBBLE, Executor of the Will of Eliza Wiila. m331-4wF Master Commissioner. R. A. DAVIDSON, PIt's Att'y.

ju8 the command of uti Order of sale issued out -PURSUANT TO DIVIDEND NOTICE. -NOTICE IS HEREBY given that, by order of the P'robate Court of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, a final dividend of two and four-tenths per cont. on the claims now proved and allowed in the matter of the of 11. B. Castle, be paid on the second day of Julv.

1812, at my oflice, 121 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. S. F. ADAMS, Cleveland. June 10th, 1872.

Assignee of I. B. Castle. PROPOSALS. Great Western Ry.

of Canada OIL TANK CARS. DIRECTORS OF THIS COMpany invite tenders for 75 platform care with iron tunks, suitable for the transportation of oil. A sample car can be seen ana plans and epecifications obtained on application to Mr. W. S.

Robinson, Mechanical Department, Hamilton. Scaled tenders, marked Tenders for Cars" will he received by the underaigned to the 18th day of July. JOSEPII PRICE, Treasurer. General OMcce, Hamilton, June 25th, 1872. J31, 5.

11. DISSOLUTION. FIRM KNOWN AS CRITCHley Johnsou is this day diesolyed by mutual consent of the partics. D. S.

0. M. JOHNSON. D. S.

Critchley will continue the business at 49 North Public Square, June 29th, 1872, Jy1 3t DIVORCE NOTICES. Travelers' Register. DEPARTURES. A. M.

A.M. 1'. M. I'. M.

Lako Shore C. 4:05 10-45 do 6:50 2:26 do Erie Accommod'n 4:30 10 8:00 do 4:30 and Indianapolis. 6:43 2:10 7:20 Pittsburgh 8:45 12:15 3:66 Alliance Atlantic Great $7:25 3:43 3:10 A. (. Mahoning Detroit 9: (N) ARRIVALS, A.M.

A. M. D'. 2:0) M. P.

M. Lake Shore C. R. 5:20 10:55 3:15 10:25 do do Accommodation 5:15 Toledo 12:20 10:15 do do $7:30 9.9) 10:10 Wheeling 2:10 8:00 Columbus Alliance Atlantic Great 10:15 Detroit 5:00 Sunday Passengers and luggage conveyed to either of the trains are marked thus above trains from any part of the city at at the prices OMNI- fixed by BUS the OFFICE, No. 131 BANK next to the Ordinance.

Leave orders Herald Ofice. and Palace Car Tickets and over T. the W. L. S.

W. M. Sleeping V. C. 0.

11. procured of W. Nutt, at the L. S. M.

Railways S. may Baggage be Room in the Union Depot. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. ROCKY RIVER RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Leave Rocky liver Leave 6:30 A.

Cleveland. M. A. M. 1:30 A.

M. 9:00 A. M. 0:13 A. M.

10:30 A. M. 11:17 A. 12:0) 1:45 M. 1.

1:14) 1'. M. M. 2:30 P. M.

3:00 r. M. 4:000 I'. M. 4.13 P.

M. P. N. 01: 15 P. M.

7:30 r. M. 8:00 M. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Rorky River.

Leave 9:15 A. Cleveland. M. 9: (M) A. 10:20 A.

N. 11:15 A. M. M. 1:1) I'.

M. 8:15 1', M. 5:30 4:001 r. M. 1:45 1'.

M. 2:30 1 P. M. 4:45 P. 1'.

M. 0:10 1. M. 7:00 1'. Pleasant Sundays Traing o'clock will A.

111. run ayery 48 closing min- at ates, commencing Last train from Cleveland at 9 o'clock at 8:15 p. 111. GEO. G.

MULTIERN, Sup't. PLAIN DEALER- VARIETY. become the lion of the party, it self. is not To necessary to make 11 heust one's It is the experience of many lyceums that discussion of al knotty question results in a tie vote. What requires more philosophy than with taking things as they come? Parting things os they go.

her up tenderly, Lift her with careNo one knows how dearly she's paid for her Adam Smith defined man 15 an animal that makes bargains; 110 other dogs does thig-110 dogs exchanges bones with nnother. A Kentucky editor says in neighbor the of garden his is lie so moves lazy that about so slowly that the shade of when he works his broad brimmed hat kills the plants. "Take your departure so the abode of the reverberating echoes of heaven's Congressman artillery to angrily an opponent, "or," he mildly added, "in exclaimed Western plain English, go to thunder A "medium" in London was caught up by a spirita, wall into a dining room. She says she can carried halt a mile, and taken through hardly credit what happened. Neither can anyone else.

One of our religious journals, speaking of nnother, says that "it is an excellent would mix paper, a little though more Christianity with its intelligence, we sometimes wish it add a little intelligence to its Christiand unity." rats informs a friend that he greased a thirA Quaker who had been troubled with ty-foot board, filled it full of fish degrees, hooks, and set it up at an angle of forty live put an old cheese at the top. The rats of went 'cm up, slid back and he caught thirty the first night. A mother was amused the other day to hear this bit of argument from her little boy: "Mamma, I don't see how Satan turned out to be such a bad fellow; there wasn't any devil to put him up to talk to him four something funny, "low A little year old beset his mother to can she asked: "don't you see how busy I am baking these pies Well, you might say, "Charley won't you have a pie?" That would be funny for you?" Hiram Green, a suggests the following ng the Grant family Of all the hunkey families From the East to the West, The U.S. G. family la the greatest and the best.

Give us tour years lon fer And we'll bleed the nation freely; What is left of the old machine We'll deed to Horace Greeley. Tri-Weekly Plain Dealer. A PAPER TO SEND TO YOUR FRIENDS. THE PLAIN DEALER la the very bes for our city prople to send to their absen paper friends, na it containe in one number all the Markets and tho Local News of Two Dailios, Besides a large varlety of General and Miscellaneous News. COUNTRY PEOPLE Desiring paper from the city more than once a week, will And THe TRI-WEEKLY to be the very paper they need.

TERMS Tri-Weekly ny $1 00 50 Clubs of Ten, agents in the country are Rollcited to call the attention of the people to THE TRI-WEERLY PLAIN DEALER. ARMSTRONG GREEN, 107 SENECA STREET. GROCERS. jan21 3t 103 de 105 Superior street. BABco*ck, HURD WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS: Wines and Liquors 146 Water street, CLEVELAND.


THE FAMOUS RED JACKET STOMACH BITTERS Bottled Ale and P'orter by the dozen or cask. Baes do English Ale in small wooden pa F2- gee for family use. Seneca Street, Cicucland, (). ICE CREAM FREEZERS. GOOCHI'S 100 ORNAM.


Will practice in United States Courta, my 12m. Best Farming and Minoral Lands in America. 3,000,000 ACRES IN NEBRASKA, IN TIE GREAT AT PLATTE VALLEY, THE GARDEN OF 'THE WEST, NOW FOR SALE. A Architects. SON, ARCIUTECTS, 28.



BLACKBURN, ARCHITECT, OFFICE NO. 9 PERKINS' BLOCK. Residenco 82 Euclid avenue. apr29-1y CLEVELAND, O. A.


Coramission Merchants. HI. 'I'. COLLINS, Grain Commission Merchant, Proprietor of Elevator and Saginaw Salt Agent, apr10 CLEVELAND, OLIO. GARDNER, HURT CLARK, Produce Commission Merchants, And Proprietors Union Grain Elevators, oct5y CLEVELAND, O.

Livery Stables. ELWOOD. LIVERY STABLE, NO. 100 1-2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Next entrance to Kennard Carriages sent to any part of the city on applica ton being made at the office, or by mail.

ROOFING PAINT. American Metalic ROOFING 'PAINT, FOR THE Preservation ofTin Iron Roofs, A PERFECT PROTECTION FROM THE worthy of the attention of Architecte, Builders Companies, and all owner of property. Durable, Beautiful, Elastic and Cheap. This Paint has been thoroughly tested upon Old and Now Metalic Hoofs, and is now offered with perfect confidence to the public Re the MOST P'AINT VAL- IN UABLE AND DURABLE ROOFING USE. Particular A Attention Pald to Leaky Tin Roofs.

All orders will be promptly attended to, and pergonal attention given to ail Roofe. Address, W. 13. DEBNAM, 169 Woodland avenue, Apr11 tf (LEVELAND. O.

CHEAP LANDS. Cheap Farms! Free hom*os ON THE LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. OF 12,000,000 ACRES of the These Mande are in the central portion of the Umted States, 011 the 41st degree of north latitnde, the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing and stork: raising ed by any in the United State. ('heaper in Price, inore favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can he found elsowhere. FREE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS The Nest Locations for Colonies.

Soldiers Entitled to a Ilomeetead of 100 Acree! Free Passes to Purchasers of Land Send for the new descriptive pamphict, with now maya, published in German, Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address (), F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R.

R. mar18 dim cod whin OMAHA, NER MALSTER. J. B. SMITH.

MALSTER, EALER IN BARLEY, BARLEY MALT, RYE MALT AND HOPS 3 63, 64 and 65 Spring street, CLEVELAND. OHIO, Cash Paid for Barley and Rye sep2fy MACHINERY. VULCAN FOUNDRY AND Steam Engine Works. Thos. Manning Sons, PROPRIETORS.

Portable and Stationary Steam Engines, all sizes, Iron and Brass Castings made to Order. Promptly Attended to. West st. and Canni Basin OIIO. deci1 DRUGGISTS.

STRONG ARMSTRONG, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, AND JOBBENS IN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Druggists' Fancy Goods, AND INTORTERS OF BRANDY AND WINES, 199 Superior street, 62 Frankfort street. MACHINERY. J. STOVERING MANUFACTURER3 or STEAM ENGINES, And Machinery of Every Description. Brewery, Tannery and Distillery work, Bridge and ordinary Bolts and Screws.

Particular attention given to General Jobbing and blacksmithing. NEAR CENTRE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO, 5 and 7 Winter street, INSURANCE. Office National Bank Building DIRECTORS: STILLMAN WITT, ROBERT HANNA, HARVEY, JAMER MASON, (). A.


PRICE, 1. M. CHAPIN, SOLON BURORSE! GEO. WORTHINUTON. Capital and $300,000 00 E.


BUHREE, Nos. 64 and 66 Merwin street, Cleveland, Ohio. SOLO DRY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY mar18 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER ADVERTISE IN TIIE DAILY. TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS OF TILE Cleveland Plain Dealer, WHICH CIRCULATES LARGELY I11 the City of Cleveland AND IN TIE Adjacent Cities and Villages. Also in the Counties of NORTHERN OHIO.

Cuyahoga, Lake, Morrow, Delaware, Portage, Allen, Mahoning, Summit, Sandusky, Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, (cauga, Fulton, Williams, Lorain, Hardin, Huron, Medina, Jefferson, Tuscar: WAS, Stark, Ottawa, lanco*ck, Richland, Wood, Knox, Seneca, Erie, Licking, Crawfoid, Holmes. Shelby, Marion, Wayne, Wyandot, Trumbull, Anhland, AND IS READ BY ALL. Class of L'eople in All Sections of the State. ADVERTISE, IT IS THE LIFE OF. TRADE IF YOU HAVE NEW GOODS, LET THE PEOPLE KNOW I'T.

Advertise If you have old goods which you with to get rid of to make room for fresh stock, let the people who look out for bargains know it, and Advertise It you havo removed 10 a new store lot your old friends know where to rind youAdvertise made If you its are front at look dingy, you will make up the loss tho old stand, and new stores have if you Advertise, If you are a retailer, and want small cash par chasers If you are a wholesale merchant, and customers with to from ex tend your business, the way to bring whom you may select the good and reject York the do- bad, ie to do as the largest importers in New Advertise If you have property to sellADVERTISE. Do not heliove that there is nobody to buy. Trang actions are made every day by those whoADVERTISE. If you have building materials to sell, and you wIll save yourself the trouble of eecking a customer, at the risk of tinding him, if you ADVERTISE If you have houses to let, there are the many whole new comers in the city who cannot traverse place, but whom can reach you if you Advertise If you are in need of a sitnation, do not be satiafied by asking your friends alone, but sook a larger cir- Advertise There may be people looking for such as you, who will never hear of you, unless you Advertise ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER Tradesmen who want employment, Clerks who want situations, In Employers who want workmen, Landlorda who want boarders, Hotel keepers who want help, Citizens who want servants, Business men who want arenta, Merchanta who want salesmen, H1OULD ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER. THOSE WHOIA To Lots for for Furniture sale, sale, for Fale, Dry Goods for sale, Groceries for sale, Clothing for sale Boote and for sale, Hardware for sale, Fancy goods for sale, Anything for salo, SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER Those who have lost money, Those who have found moi ey, Those who want to borrow money, Those who want to loan money, Those who want to make money SHOULD ADVERTISE IN THE PLAIN DEALER Whoever yon are, do not imagine that the an nouncement of your business in a respectable newa.

paper will lower you in the public estimation. gaban- If you are too genteel to advertise, the sooner don the trade the better MURRAY, MILLER Post Ofice Box 2116. ST. LOUIS, MO. Missouri State Lottery.

Legalized by State Authority and Drawn in Public in St. Louis. SCHEME. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class to be Drawn July 31, 1872.

5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. prize $50,000 500 prizes 100 prize 10,000 9 prizes 500 prize 13.450 9 prizes 1,000 prize 7,500 9 prizes 300 4 prizes 5,000 9 prizes 250 4 prizes 2,500 30 prizes 200 20 prizes prizes 1,000 500 180 36 prizes prizes 150 100 40 prizes of 540 5,000 prizes 10 Tickets $10; Halyes $5, Quarters $2.50, Our lotteries are chartered by the State, are always drawn at the time named, and all drawings are under the supervision of sworn commissioners The official drawing will be published in the St. Louie papors and a copy sent to purchasers of tickets. We will draw a similar echom*o the last day of every mouth during the year 1872. Remit at our risk by POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS, REGISTERED LETTER, DRAFT or EXPRESS.

Send for circular. Address my10-d DVERTISE-IF YOU HAVE know RE' A moved to a now store Ict your friends where to And T. W. W. 2.

R. TWO DAILY LINES OF PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING 'CARS From Cleveland to St. Louis, without change. The Toledo, Wabael Western Railway beg to to the traveling public that two daily lines of Palm an Palace Sleeping Cars now run, via their route only, between Cleveland and St. Louie, leaving Cleveland (via L.

S. S. at 6:50 a. m. and 7:25 p.

11 respectively, arriving at St. Louis at 7:002. aud 7:00 without change, connecting for all points Wert and South. Alsoa P'alace Day Coach is attached at Toledo to the train leaving Cleveland et 7:25 p. which runs through to Kausas City (700 miles) withont change, avoiding all ferries and transfers of every As these facilities are afforded by nO other kind.

route, passengers will consult their own comfort and convenience by patronizing the Great Wabash Routethe lending thoroughfare to the Miseiseippi valley. Tickets and sleeping car berths obtained at the Union Ticket Ofice, 134 Bank street, and at the Cleveland Passenger Depot. GEO. li. BURROWS, Gen Supt.

W. L. MALCOLM, Gen. l'ass. Agt.

ju22 111 UNION PACIFIC R. R. UNION PACIFIC K. VIA ONAIIA. The Only Direct, All Rail Route, being 226 miles shortest route to Chict Engincer and Superintendent.

FREE HOMES, CHEAP FARMS, IN THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE GARDEN OF THE WEST. SALT LAKE. SACRAMENTO, SAN FRANCISCO, And the Mining Districts of Utah, Montana, NCvadu, California, etc. Five Ilours the Quickest Route to Denver. Close Connections made at Cheyenne with Denver P'acific Golden City with Daily Conches for the Mince.

At Railway. At Denver with the Colorado Central. At Denver with Mail and Exprees Daily Coaches for all points in Southern Colorado, New Mexico. and Arizona. Buggage Checked Througl.

from Chicago to Denver, and from Omaha to Salt Lake City, Sacramento, San Francisco, etc. THOMAS L. KIMBALL, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. T. E.

SICKLES, 3,000,000 Acres Choice Great Farming Platte Lands Valley. on For the Road in Nebraska, in the pale, $2.50 for to $10.00 per acre. Great inducements to setcash or credit, at low interest. Price from tiers with limited means. Descriptive pamphlets with mape, sent free to all parts of the United States Canada and Europe.

Address, 0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, ian13 U. P. R.

Omaha, Nebraska. LAME NAVIGATION. FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. 1872. Tho Union Steamboat Company AND THE Atlantic, Duluth and Pacific Lako Company.

ONE OF TIIE SPLENDID STEAMERS of this line will leave Cleveland daily (except Saturdays and Sundays) at 10 p. In. fer Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Portage Luke, Duluth and intermediate ports on Lake Superior. Days of Steamers Leaving: KEWKENA 3, 18, August 2, 19 4, 19, August 20 5 22, August 6, 21 WINSLOW 8, 23, Augurt 7, 8, 22 Jaly 9, 21, August July 10, 25, 9, 26 11, 265, August 12, N'T.

12, 29, August 13, 33 LOUIS. 15. 30, August 13, 29 CHINA. 1. 16, 31, Aug.

15, 80 2, 17, August 1, 17 will be issued by the Company's Agents and at the principal Railroad Oflices to Du luth and return by Lake; to Duluth by Lake and re. turning all rail through St. Paul and Chicago; or by Rail to Duluth, returning by Lake. Tickets, Rates of Freight and further information an bu obtained on application to W. D.

CUSIIING, Agent, Corner Bunk and Superior Streets, OT II. MCDOWELL 53. 55 and 57 River street. E. T.

EVANS. Manager A. D. P. L.

Co. S. D. CALDWELL, General Manager U. S.

Ce. B. Patrick, General Passenger Agent, No. 42 Central Wharf, Buffalo. my 13 fm MICHIGAN CENTRAL R.

R. LINE. 1872. 1872. Cleveland and Dotroit Steamers.

K. R. VIGER. I. N.

Capt. WM. McKAY. One of the above honta leaves Cleveland every evening (Sundays exceptol) at 9 o'clock, connecting next morning at DETROIT with the Michigan Central Railroad For Jackpou, Marshall. Kalamazoo, Niles.

Chicago, Burlington, Quincy, Fon du Lac, La Cross, St. Paul, St. Joseph and Omaha. Alan with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad For Pontiac, St. Jones, Ionia, Grand Rapide, Grand llaven, Saginaw and Milwauace.

FARE ONE DOLLAR LESS THAN ALL Tickete can be obtained at the Union Ticket Onlice, 131 Bank street, or at the Company's Oilice on the dock. MELLEN, Pars. Agent, D. CARTER. Cleveland.

Detroit, Mich. apr16 tr Cleveland, Ohio. L. A. PIRIECE, General Agent, FOR LAKE SUPERIOR.

FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. 1872. The Union Steamboat Company AND THE Atlantic, Duluth and Pacific Lake Co. SPECIAL NOTICE. Steamers leaving Buffalo on Thursday, afternoon, Eric on Friday morning, Cleveland Friday evening.

Detroit on Saturday evening and Sarnia on Sunday morning of each weck, will run via the NORTII SHORE, stopping at Isle Royale, Silver Harbor and othor points of lutereat. Leaving Duluth on Friday morninge, will run the game way Eastward. See Tims Schedule in another column. Rates of Freight and further information can be obtained on application to W. D.

CUSHING. Corner of Bank and Superior streets, Or II. C. McDOWELL CO 53, 55 and 57 River street, Cleveland. E.

T. Manager P. L. Co. S.

D. CALDWELL, Gen. Minager U.S. Co B. PATRICK, General Passenger Agent, je22 2m No.

12 Central Wharf, Buffalo OCEAN NAVIGATION. Roduction in Passage. GUION LINK BETWEEN New Fork, Queenstown Liverpool CARRYING THE U. S. MAILS.

IDAHO, NEVADA, MINNESOTA, COLORADO, MANHATTAN, WISCONSIN, WYOMING, SAILING FROM NEW YORK EVERY WEDNES DAY. CABIN P'assage from New York $70 and $60 gold. Stateroonis ou same deck as Saloon. STEERAGE: $30 from New York; $33 from Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londonderry, payable in Currency. Passage from or 10 Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Pt Lowest Rates.

Remittances to great Britain, Ireland and the Continent. Apply to' WILLIAMS GUION, 29 Broadway, New York, or to BERDMAN KOLBE, 222 Superior street, 0, HERDMAN KOLBE are also Passage Agents for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW YORK AND BREMEN Mail Lines of Steamships to and from these Ports Weekly. Also ny the Inman Line, and the White Star Line every Saturday. the Anchor Line of Glasgow I Steamers touching at Liverpool mail steamers twice each week, and on don derry twice each wock. SIGHT DRAFTS payable in all the principa cities E1 rope.

feb1R SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF OlIO, Cayahoga County, 88. PURSUANT of TO sale, THE directed to COMMAND me, from OF the Court of Common Pleas, for said County. in the cause of James S. plaintiff.

and Michael lick, et defendant, I shall offer at public sale, at the south door of the Connty Court House, in the City of Cleveland, County and State aforcsaid, on the 29th day of July, A. D. 1872, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock p. m. of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Sitnated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuya.

hoga and State of Ohio, and known as lot No. 107 of Scovill's allotment of len acre lots No. 32 to 35, in said City of Cleveland, being 30 feet front on Kingman strect formerly, Woodland avenue, and one hundred and sixty greet deep. Appraised at $5,750 JOHN N. FRAZEE, Sherif and Special Master Commissioner.

INGROLL, Ait'y. June 28th, 1872. j028 30t OIL. MONOPOLY Buy FOR our beet US; WE ARE not EAGLE OIL now before the advance. HALLE, SKALL mart Wholesale Grocers.

CITY NOTICES. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following resolution war adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, June 18th, 1872: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members pave and concurring) improve it Pearl is street, aceined from Detroit eucet to Mulberry street, 10 connecesenry to grade, form to the established grade of said struct, 1u cordance with the plane and on file in the oflice of the City Civil Engineer. The time within which clanne for damages may bo filed expires on the 19th day of July, Clerk. jun20 2w THEO. VOGES, City IS HEREBY NOT that the of following the City of resolution Cleveland, WAR adopted June by the City Council 18th, 1872: That in the opinion of this Council, (two-thirds of all the members and concurring.) improve it Myrtle is deemed necessary to grade, street drain to Cook street, to conform to the established grade of said, street, 111 street.

from Buckley accordance with the plans and Engineer." profiles on file in the The ottice time within which claims for damages may be of the City Civil Gled expires ou the 19th day of July. VOGES, City Clerk. 1872. 112) 2w THIEO NOTICE following -NOTICE resolution IS was HEREBY adopted GIVEN by that the City Council of the City of Cleveland, June 15th, 1872 Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members and concurcing), it Old is liver deemed street, from Willow street bridge to Mulberry to grade, pave improve to in accordance with the plans and profilce on conform to the established grade of said street, in oflice of the City Civil Eng neer. The time within which claims for damages may be filed expirce ou the 19th day of July, City 1872.

Clerk. jun20 2w TICO. VOGES, NOTICE following NOTICE IS resolution HEREBY was GIVEN adopted by THAT the City Council of the City of Cleveland, June 18th, 1872: Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring) it Apple is deemed necessary to grade, drain and labor unprove atreet, to street, to the established grade of said street, and from Orchard to couform accordanco with the plans and protlles ou ille in in the oflice of the City Civil Engineer. The time within which claims for damages may be tiled expires ou the 19th day of July, 1572. jne20 2w THEO.

VOGES, City Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE- following resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, June 18th, 1872 Resolved, That in the opinion of this it Council is deemed (twothirds necessary to grade, pave and improve Mulberry of all the members concurring) street, from Pearl street 10 Old River raid street, street, to in con acfor with the plans and profiles on tile in the to the established grade of cordance oflice of the City Civil Engineer. The time within which claims for damages may be filed expires on the 19: day of July, 1872. jnc20 THEO. VOGES, City Clerk.

OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENTS, CLEVELAND, JuLe 19, 1872. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat NOTICE of opening and and opening a extending street Bond bestreet to Euclid avenue, tween Enclid avenue and Superior street. extend ing to Erie street, will be considered on by Monday the Board next, of Improvements at this office, the 21th at 3 o'clock p. Ill. All persons inte.

ested in these proposed with improve- the ments Board are the subject at the time indicated. requceted to meet aud confer By jue20.2w order of the Board M. G. of WATTERSON, Clerk. MAYOR'S OFFICE, CLEVELAND, June 19, 1872.

was adopted Council at its FOLLOWING RESOLUTION June "That 18th, His Honor, the Mayor, be authorized to call 1572 a mecting of all citizens in: crosica, take at as the early necessary a day 83 he may deem convenient, to steps and make arrangements for the proper celebration of the 4th of July." In conformity to the wishes of the City Council as expressed in the above resolution, I would interest iu respect- the fully request all citizens who feel an proper observance of our Friaay National evening Holiday June to meet 21st. at Council Chamber on at o'clock. for the purpose of considering the propriety of publicly celebrating, with appropriate ceremonies, the coming F. W. anniversary.

PELTON Mavor. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CLEVELAND, June 14. 1872. OTICE 'TO WHOM I'T MAX CONN Board of linprovements have prepared and 011 file in their oflice, for the examination of all parties interested plans and specitications for sewers in the following's streets, viz: A sewer in Garden street, from Brow nell street to Crockett street, with branches in Huntington district No. and 3.

Cheshire street, all in main sewerage from Crockett street sewers in Garden street, to llayward street, with branches in Granger, Fox, Greenwood, Laure', Maple, Linden, and Woodland streets, alt in main sewerage district No, 2. Also, a sewer 11 (iarden street, from Buyward street to Case avenue, with branches in Forest, PutmanI and Osborn streets, all in main sewerage digtrict No. 1. A sewer in Jamilton street, from Case avenue to Lawrence street, in main sewerage district No 1, and a sewer in Merwin street, from James street to Superior street, and in Superior street, from Morwin street to the Onyahoga River. Of the above described "sewers it 15.

proposed to immediately construct all the sewera in Garden street, the rowers in Granger and Hamilton streets, and tue sewer in Merwin Superior streets. 28 above described. The Board of Improvements will hoar all parties interested in the above named sewers at the oflice of the Bourd, on the 21th day of Juue, 1572, at 3 'clock p. Ill. By order of the Board.


A STREET PPROPRIATION EXTENSION -Mary NOTICE S. Hogle and -HOYT her husband, James I. Hogle, Emiline S. Timmons and her husband. Robert Timmons, and lawley St.

John Dixon, nou-resideuts of the Sinte of Ohio, and whose places of residence are unknown, are herchy notified that an application (a copy of which is hereinbelow sot forth) will be filed by the City of in the I'robate Court of Cuy thoga County, Ohio, at nine o'clock a. on the With day of July. 1572, to appropriate certain property in said tion, described and for the purposes therem pet forth, lu which property you are said to have some intorest. You are notilled to be prescut at said time and place, when a jury will be drawn asceds the damages, and to file your claims, and to fix a time for the trial of said cause, The State of Ohio, 88. Cuyahoga County, In the Probate Court of said County.

The City of Cleveland, plaintiff, ve. Anna M. 1 Dixon, A. K. Dixon, N.

b. Dixon, Phebe M. Barney, and her husband, Albert Barney, Caroline M. Ingram, and her huanand, J. Ingram, Khoda II.

Davis, and her husband, J. I. Davis, Mary S. logle, nod her hueband James IL. logle, Emeline S.

Timmons, and her husband, Robert Timmons, V. L. Dixon, lawley St. John Dixon-defendante. APPLICATICN TO APPROTRIATE PROPERTY TO DE USED FOR STREET PORPOSES.

To the Hon. Daniel R. Tilden, Probate Court: The undereigned, the City Solicitor of the city of Cleveland, respectfully repiceents that said city, a municipal corporation, and being a city of fret class; did, by action of the City Council on the 4th day of Jaue, 1372, pass a resolution, a copy of which is de followe. to wit: "That in the opinion of this Council (two-thirds of all the members concurring) it is deemed necesgory, and it is hereby declared the intent thereof, to appropriate the following described property for street purposes and for the purpose of extending lloyt street from its terminus of uniform width through to Swiss street, to-wit: Fifteen feet from and along the southurly portion of sublot 22, and forty-five feet from and along the northerly portion of eublot 23, said lote, Nos. 22 and 23, being lots lying between the present terminus of raid lloyt street and Swiss and be it further Resolved, That the City Solicitor be and he is bereby authorized and requested to prosecute the necessary measures 10 accomplieh the purposes above expressed; and be it further Resolved, That the costs of said improvements be paid by partiee who have filed a bold with the city 1or that The undersigned states that the object of said anpropriation is to secure to eaid city the title abro Jute and in fee, and clear of all incumbrances of eaid descriped property, that the game may be used for street purposes, to-wit: for the of Hoyt street.

Tout said property described in the resolution hereinhefore set forth and ought by these proceedinge to be appropriated for the purpose and use above expressed, is owned in fee by the gaid Anna M. Dix 011, A. K. Dixon, N. Dixon, Phebe Barney her husband, Albert Barney, Caroline M.

Ingram and ber hueband. J. S. Ingram, Rhoda ll. Davis and her husband, J.

lI. Davis, Mary llogle and her husband, Jamos W. Hogle, Emeline S. Timmone and her husband, Robert Timmons. V.

S. Dixon and Hawley St John Dixon. Wherefore the undersigned, in the came and on behalf of the Cry of Cleveland, in order to accomplieh the purposes and intent of the resolution passed by said City Councll, as aforceaid, tiles this application as by law required, and aels that the interest of the above named parties to the preperty descriqed, with the value thereof, be determined by 8 jury, and that by the payment of said value 50 found by said jury to said partics, by said City, all the rights of title, equitics and easem*nts of the parties aforesaid in and to said property, be appropriated by and become vested in the City of Cleveland, in accordance with said resolution and the statute in euch case made and provided. WILLIAN C. BUNTS.

City Solicitor of the City of Cleveland. jun19 6wW. land, June 18, 1872: Resolved by the City, Council of the City of Cleveland, That it is deemed necessary, and said Council dOcA hereby declare its intent to appropriate for street, viaduct and bridge purposes, all to be used de a public highway, to-wit: For viaduct and bridge purposes the following described property, mencing on the westerly bank of the Cuyahoga river, in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, at a point oppoeite the foot of Superior street, and taking the wholc of the lot of Aloizo Carter, lying between West River sticet and said river, thence across the easterly end of the lot known as the "Cathad lot," in block of the Bufalo Company's purchase, and including the whole of lots Nos. 215, 216, 217, in raid block, the whole of what is known as the unalloted part of Block of said Buffalo Company purchase; thence taking a strip or parcel of laud eighty feet in width across the casterly end of Block of the Buffalo purcbase, to Washington streot; said land so taken to be used for viaduct and bridge purposes, and said viaduct and bridge to be used for a public highway. For strect purposes the following described property, towit: A etrip or parcel of land eiguty feet width, along and near the central portion of Blocks and "LL" of the Company purchase, said land being a strip 80 feet wide, from where said proposed viaduct intersects Washington street to Flint street, at which point the southeasterly line of said eighty feet is one bundred fect from the northwesterly line of Detroit street; thence in continuation of tue same lines to Pearl etrect, and taking the whole of the brick block 00 the corner of Pearl and Dotroit streets, known as the "Standart Block;" all to ho substantially as the property represented on the plan marked of proposed street and viaduct as adopted by the City Council on the 28th day of May, 1872, and on file in ofice of the City Civil Engineor of the city of Cleveland.

THEO. VOGES, City Clerk. June 18, 1972. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. have hecu IS appointed HEREBY and qualified GIVEN as THAT Administrator do bonis non of William Chandler, deceased, by the Probate Court of Cuyahoga County, Obio, SAMUEL M.

EDDY, Administrator de bonis non. Cleveland, Oblo, June 29th, 1872, j029 818 NOTICE the City following Couucil of the resolution City of was Cleve. adop. Meynes Meynea, Las in the this day Court fled of petition againet IS GIVEN THAT William Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, for divorce, alleging for causes neglect of duty and adultery. The will be for hearing after six weeks from the first publication of this notice.

M. S. CASTLE, May 13th, Complainant's Solicitor. Almira V8. Wines John W.

Wines. -State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County. place of DEFENDANT, residence is JOHN unknown, W. WINES, whose wilt take nolice that the petitioner, Almira Wince, hula this day filed with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for said county, her petition. prayas ing to be divorced wilful from the absence said defendant, alleging cause therefor for three years and gross neglect of duty, aud al-o asking to be decreed the custody of their minor child, to be restored to her maiden name, and for other and further reliet.

SLADE KLINE, 1'IT A Ally's. Clevcland, (., May 14, my18-owS NOTICE Ann' IS Short, whose HEREBY place of GIVEN residence TO is unknown, that George M. Short, her husband, Gled bia petition against the said LilliA Ann for adi. vorce, in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court of Com. mon I'leas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

Cause, willful absence for more than three years last The same will be heard after six weeks from the frat publication of this notice. BRINSMADE STONE, Ally's. May 16th, 1872. IDyl6-Gw WASH Guyanoga 11. County JOKES, and State of FORMER- Ohio, is notified that on the 6th day of May, 1872, Harriet Jobes did tile her petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within alid for the County of Guyahoga and State of Obio, charging the said William 11.

Johes with being guilty of habitual drunkenness for the three years last past, and ask. ing that she may he divorced from the said Willian ll. Jobes and for the custody of her child, which petition will stand for hearing at the present May rlll of said Court for the your 1572, unless said Court adjonrn before the raid cause can bu legally reached and heard by raid Court, and in that case at the November term of said Court for 1872, HARRINT JOBES. Ly WILLIAM ROBISON, her Attorney. Dated this 6th day of May, A.

D. 1802. -my 8 tww THAT Richard P. Flood has this day of June, 1872, tiled his petition against Isabella V. Flood, the city of Philadelphia, in the Court cf Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county, Ohio, for divorce, alleging for causes, gross neglect of duty, willful absence for three years and adultery.

Said petition will be for hearing st the November term of Paid Court, A. 1872. RICHARD B. FLOOD. Mary Watkins In the Court of Common Pleas V3.

of Cuyahoga County. 'T'homas Watkins. DEFENDANT, WHOSE PLACE of residence is in Fulton Connty, Ohio, will take notice that Maria Watkins, his wife, on the 7th dav of October. 1871, tiled her petition in the vilice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Obio, praying for a divorce from said Thomas Watkins and for the custody of their minor children, alleging as cruse therefor wilful absence for three years and gross neglect of duty for more than three yeare last part. said petition will be for hearing at the November term of said Court.

ROBERT J. CHRISTY, ju12 6wW Petitioner's Solicitor. State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County. SMITH WILL TAKENOTICE that on the 15th day of May, 1872, Isabel A. broith tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Cujahogs County, Ohio, her petition against him for divorce, and alimony, alleging for cause gross neglect of duty aud extreme cruelty, and that said action will stand for hearing six weeks after the publication of this notice.

ISABEL A. SMITII, By S. G. BALDWIN, Solciitor for Plaintit. Cleveland, Obio, May 14, 1873.

my20 5w ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Lucy R. McKce, the Court V9, Common Pleas of William McKee, defendant. Cuyahoga O. THE SAID DEFENDANT, WILham E.

McKee, will take notice that on the 4th: day of April, 1872, the said plaintin, Lucy K. McKee, filed in the ofice of the Clerk of said Court brr petition against him, alleging that said defendant nad been guilty of habitual drunkenness any of gross neglect of duty for more than three years last past, and praying to he divorced from said defendant and to be restored to her maidon name of Lucy k. Donn. Said notition will he for hearing at the May, 1372, torm of said Court, begun and held in the City of Cleveland, in said County, on the 6th day of May, 1572. P'RENTISS VORCE, any 10 fiw Plaintit's Attorneye, John lickey Before D.

Stephan, Justice VS, of the Peace of Cleveland Samuel McGowon. I township, Cuyahoga 0. ON THE Justice TO issued OH order of attachinent 1872, in the above action for the sum of Thiny and 00-104) dollars; and said action is vet for trial July 5th. 1972, at 9 a. m.

JOIN MICKEY. Cleveland, June 12, 1572... ju14 3w Join: derlach, LA fore D. Stephan, J. 1'.

VS. of Cleveland township, Steward Snyder, ft. DA County. Ohio. ON THE Justice issued alL ON order of attachment 1872, 111 the above action for the sum of two bunored and twenty live dollars, and said action is ret for trial July 25th, 1872, al 9 a.

Hi. JOIN GERLACI. Cleveland, June 13th, 18:2. jul1 34 Lue B. Mycre, plaintiff, Before Perry.

W. Payne, VE. Justice Peace Henry S. Myers, def't Cleveland Township, Cuybora Ohio. THEN 34 DAY OF JUNE, A.

D. 1572. said Justice issued an order of at in the above action for the sum of $150 00 1.111c B. MYERS, Ry BURNER, Ail'ye. (loveland, June 3d, 1872 jun730 Cuyahoga County.

W. W. Armstrong, In Justice's Court, 1r F. W. Green, platt' fore: D.

Stephan, J. VA, Cleveland Towuship, CuyaStewart Snyder. defdt hova County. DEFENDANT WILL TAKE notice that on the 14th day of June, 1872, Paid Justice issued an order of hmout in above action for the sum of and that the same will be set for hearing Jul. 301h, 1872, at 9 D.

m. MIX, NOBLE WHITE, June 18, 1972. Painting' Attorneys. DISSOLUTION. -ON ACCOUNT ill, health Mr J.

I. Bowman has been pelied to retire from active business for the present, and the firm of Nottingham Bowman is this day di-eolved by mutual consent. Mr. W'm. k.

Reid (late in the Hardware Trade at Wortheld, Now York, and formerly in this city) with Al Charles W. Good an k. B. Owen, have purchased equal interest8 with Mr. Nottingham, and will continue the businesy under the name and firm of Nottingham, Reid Co.

All claims for and against the firm of Nottingham Lou man are assumed and will be settied by them. Mr. Bowman will have the best wishes of his many warm friends for a speedy recovery of health aud return to active business. CLEVELAND, June 19. 1872.

w2t PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF WATER WORKS, CLEVELAND, OnIO, June 18th, is72. NOTICE TO proposals, indoreed Proposals for Steam will be received at the oflice of Watter Works until 12 o'clock July 30, 1572, for building and delivering at the new Water Works engine house, six Cornish boilers, six feet in diamcter ard thirty feet long, with single flue forty inches in diameter. Also two steam orume for the game, caca thirt inches in diameter and twenty feet long. l'inne and for the above work may De been at tie Water Works Engiue longe, and any information desired in relation to the same will be given by Mir.

Jouu Vial, Lugineer in charge of said works. The Trustees of Water Works reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Trustees. JOIN WHITELAW, jnc20 Superintennent and Engineer. CITY OF CLEVELAND, CITY CIVIL ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CLEVELAND, Juve 18th, 1872.

NOTICE will be received at the odice of Scaled the Board of Improvements until twelve o'clock July 1st, for furnishing and setting about 8,000 fect of sandstone curb on Wilison avenue, between Euclid avenue and Woodland avenue. Also, for furnishing and setting about 2,000 feet of curbstone on Case avenue, between Scovill and Woodland avenues. Also for grading the following streets, viz: Terrett street the whole length: Tracy street, from Willey to Freeman streets; and Howard I1cmstreet, from Jennings to Scranton avenue, lock street, from Him to Mulberry strcet. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank proposals can be obtained at the ofice of the City Civil Eugincer. No propoeal will be entertained unless made ou the blanks furnished by the Eugineer.

Each proposal must be accompanied by suficient surety that if the proposal is accepted a contract will be entered iuto. The City reserves the right to accept any or reject all By order of the Board. CHIAS. I. STRONG, ju13.4d City Civil Engineer.

CO-PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is LIMITED hereby given that the PARTNER- undersigned have formed a limited and special partnership for the term of one year from June 11th, 1572. the 1st. The general business of said firm ehall be 2d. manufacturing The name and selling style of said firm shall be Low and stoves.

Crowl. 3d. Charles I. Low and William I. Crowl are the general partners and Samuel I.

Crowlis the special partner, 4th. Said all Samuel residing it. at Crowl Cleveland, has contributed to the Ohio. capital of said firm the sum of thousand doilarg W. IT.


CROWL. The Stute of Ohio, 89. Cuyahoga County, Justice of the Peace in and for said Before me, a the above pained county, pereonally appeared I. Crow! aud Samuel it. Charles I.

Low. William that they did execute the foregoing instrument and that the Crowl, and severally acknowledged is In their free act whereof and deed. have hereunto set my hand witnees this 18th day of June, 1872. ju21 1t E. SOWER.

Justice of the ADMINISTRATORS SALE. SALE- Courtof FUR; A surance of 211 order of the Probate Cuyahoga County, Ohio, I will oiler for sate at 1872. pub at lic 10 auction, on Tucsday, the 2d the day of south door of July, o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court louse, in the city of Cleveland. Cuyuhoga County, Ohio, the following described real tate: Situate in the City of Cuyahoga Stone's County, sub and being division a of part part of sub-lot original lot No. 50.

No. 58 in bounded as said folof lows: part of Beginning Brooklyn at the township, southeast and corner of 50 lot; feet theuce and northerly incuce on the thence easterly west to a line point on the said let west line of said lot 65 and 8.12 said fout west fro.n line its 05 8-12 southfeet; west corner; thence cast thence on south Washington on street to the place of beginning. Appraised at $1,400. day of sale and tho Terms balance of Sale in -One half cash from on of sale, with 0110 year intercet, to he secured by mortage opon the STERIAN, premises sold. Administrator of the Estate of Jawes Boyle, dec'd.

Clevcland, June lat, 1872, ju1 301. 4.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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